How to Get Rid of Eye Bags and Puffy Eyes
 Peering out from eye bags and puffy eyes after a long night partying or hours in front of a computer screen doesn’t feel great. The good news is puffy eyes and eye bags are usually harmless and with a few tricks your eyes can feel fresh in no time.
The eye lids are made of very thin skin, and the tissue beneath is loose and soft. It does not contain much oil but has many blood vessels and lymph vessels. A lot of liquid moves around here in a very small space. After a wild party, the body not only suffers from a lack of sleep but also a lack of liquid, oxygen and minerals. As a result, lymphatic fluids collect in the tissue and can cause puffy eyes. In addition, a lack of permeability in the vessel walls, genetic predisposition and ageing skin are reasons for regularly developing puffy eyes, and also for tear sacs.